Frequently Asked Questions

Check most frequently asked questions here, if you still need help then please contact us at

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Lightning Straps affiliated with Whoop?

    As much as we like Whoop (Will Ahmed, you are doing an amazing job) as a company, we are not affiliated in any way. We are just creating Lightning Straps as an alternative to the Whoop straps themselves.

  • Do the straps fit on my Whoop?

    If you have a Whoop 4.0 (or a 3.0), the straps are compatible with your Whoop device. This compatibility ensures that the straps can be used with your Whoop device seamlessly.

  • Why are the shipping costs to the U.S. higher than what I'm accustomed to?

    We have recently established Lightning Straps, and our operations are located in the Netherlands. Due to the considerable expenses associated with shipping across the ocean, we must work within the existing shipping rates. 


    However, in the near future, we plan to set up an additional warehouse that will enable us to send packages to the US more affordably and expeditiously.